PDi is dedicated to helping patients, their families, and health/wellness providers cope with the anxiety and boredom of treatment, and improve their experience with entertainment and information with healthcare-grade TV's.
In the healthcare environment, a positive user experience is extremely crucial. Patients view good service to be the standard in healthcare, and not a premium. To compete in the rapidly growing healthcare space, it is the providers' responsibility to meet those expectations and begin viewing the patient's experience as a critical part of patient care.
PDi Communications, Inc. have products that allow you to improve your patient experience through their array of flexible devices for the facility to meet specific needs. Read more below to understand how you can benefit from PDi healthcare-grade televisions and TV-tablets:
Build a Consumer Concentric Reputation
Did you know that it takes roughly 12 positive experiences to make up for one unresolved negative experience? People tend to enjoy interacting – be it with people, products, or devices, and PDi helps increase patient involvement in a positive way. Providing opportunities for patients to be involved in their care is a great way to create a better user experience. This can be through education, entertainment choices, or a variety of other ways. If the patients are interacting with information about their condition, they are more likely to retain that information. There is also options for relaxation software to help calm a patient’s stressful emotions and make the medical experience as smooth and uneventful as possible. A device with an intuitive interface and staff members who are encouraged to share the devices with their patients can make a world of difference in the patient’s mind about their experience.
Distract Patients in A Good Way
PDi enhances entertainment to patients by having a high-quality patient TV that offers modern technology and current programming can make your patients feel at home and satisfy them with minimal staff time investments. Giving a patient access to a hospital-grade TV provides them a distraction while they wait and deflects patient anxieties about their health or any negative interactions they may have received the during their stay. PDi offers a solution to enhance entertainment using advanced healthcare-grade TV-Tablets or Smart TVs with interactive patient software to educate and communicate with the patient. This also includes providing access to the internet, apps, games, and more! PDi enhances entertainment to patients
Deliver Value & Address Patients Needs
As healthcare providers it is your responsibility to care for patients during the crucial moments of their physical life. You guide individuals towards healing with your expertise and comfort them with your presence. PDi's solutions allow you to keep your patients entertained, even in the moments when your presence is elsewhere. PDi products help bridge the gap as patients wait in their patient rooms by creating a streamlined experience. For example, a personalized message in the exam room can help patients feel attended to and not like they are forgotten.
At Matrix Video Communications, we will evaluate your application goals and provide you the best technology solution to fit your healthcare environment needs. PDi offers a completely flexible lineup because every facility infrastructure and associated patient experience is unique.
Contact us today to bring the most value and patient satisfaction for your healthcare setting.
Republished with the permission of PDi Communication Systems, Inc.