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Don't Miss the Event of the Weekend: The Canadian Society of Cinematographers' Live Webinar

With all these restrictions in place, it’s hard to find something fun to do on the weekends. Without restaurants, bars, and social gatherings, people resort to watching Netflix or playing board games within their households. Not only can this get boring after months of the same routine, but fights are sure to arise, especially when spending an hour just to agree on a movie or when even mentioning Monopoly. This weekend, try something different. On Sunday, December 13th, at 12pm Eastern time, the Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC) is hosting a free live webinar on YouTube. Join for a lively discussion on the Riedel Bolero intercom system led by Jeremy Benning of the CSC.

Jeremy Benning is a CSC and ASC (American Society of Cinematographers) award winning Director of Photography (DOP) as well as the DOP on the Amazon series “The Expanse.” He will guide the discussion on how the Bolero intercom system provides him with new freedom to communicate naturally with his crew and delivers more flexibility with on-set communications both within and between production departments.

Following his introduction, three film crew members—Jason Vieira (A-cam op), Jasper Vrakking (digital image technician), and Malcolm Nefsky (key grip)—will dive into their personal experiences with using the intercom system and how it has facilitated their everyday work life. The filmmaking workflow has been disrupted during the pandemic. Like the rest of us, organizations have had to adapt to physical distancing. Tune in to the webinar to find out how the Bolero intercom system, which has been used by organizations such as Formula 1, Cirque du Soleil, NFL, etc., has made this adaptation easier.

Join the livestream on Sunday from YouTube or Facebook.

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